[Reseller ]Portable Photo Memo Pad [ Group Version ]

wholesale option: 2AM
Sale price$3.90


Please be noted : Images can be changed into new and latest images. We cannot update every image because they change often but we will ship one new and lastest image. There are smaple images below. You would right item based on your option

Minimum Order quantity: 5 PCS for each option

Resellers can get discount only if thye order 5 pcs for each automatically

Product Information

  • SIZE - cover : 30 x 10.5 cm
  • memo pad : 6 x 8cm
  • Conveniently Portable Size !
  • It's surrounded with great photos. You can carry this in your bag all the time

  • Tag : exo Memo Pad,b1a4 Memo Pad,infinite Memo Pad, btob Memo Pad, bts Memo Pad,block.b Memo Pad, ft.island Memo Pad,cnblue Memo Pad, beast Memo Pad,nuest Memo Pad, snsd Memo Pad

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